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Mission 2022

2022 is very important for me. Because I'm at war with the programming hero. I want to be a developer with jhankar mahbub sir in any situation

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My Mission in 2022


My only goal right now is to be a web developer. I want to try my best to be a good developer anyway so I want to be very hardworking.


You might saw me jumping, climbing buildings, and stopping trains. But nobody pays me a dime for that work. That's why I am learning and mastering web development. I will not stop until I become the Web Development Hero.


I already learned the basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple website. I can even teach my grandma how to make simple website. My goal is to build 3 websites and learn advanced topics.


Hello! I’m Rakib. I have experience in web development and , also I am good at Excel and ms word. I love to talk with you about our uniqueness.My only goal right now is to be a web developer. I want to try my best to be a good developer anyway so I want to be very hardworking.

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Our Portfolio

I already learned the basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple website. I can even teach my grandma how to make simple website. My goal is to build 3 websites and learn advanced topics.My only goal right now is to be a web developer. I want to try my best to be a good developer anyway so I want to be very hardworking.

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  • Fabruary 2017-Fabruary 2021
    Style Fashion House, Laksham, Cumilla

  • August 2021-Present
    (Computer Operator)
    Comilla Private Polytechnic Insitute, Cumilla.

My Skills

  • Web Design & Development
  • Graphic Designer
  • Ms Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Academic Records

  • SSC.-Comilla Bord-(GPA=4.32)-2017-Business Study
  • HSC.-Comilla Bord-(GPA=3.93)-2019-Business Study
  • Honours Ranning